You have been very supportive and it made a big difference to the way I was feeling towards the problem.
Laura will be seeing the consultant about her operation next week, on Tuesday. She was going to see him last Monday but he was away.
She now has been told she will need two operations, one to have her breast removed and one to have her lymph modes removed as well.
I didn't even know they could remove the lymph modes but apparently they can.
So we will know more from Tuesday.
Well just to add to things I have been away from work all week with a chest infection and head cold.
So, there we are.
I have anti biotics from the doctor and he has signed me off work for another week.
Oh dear, Oh dear.
Can you hear the violins playing?

Never mind, it can only get better, as they say.
Everyone is entitled to violins once in a while.
Take care, get well, good thoughts are being sent your way.
Oh Annette, I'm really sorry about Laura, I hope her surgery and treatment go well. Take care of yourself too.
I am tired.
Annette I don't know what to say here.
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