Sunday, July 24, 2011

Have got a new email, at last!!!
My other one has been blocked along with my contacts, all 74 of them!!!However, I am getting in touch with most of them and giving them my new email.
I hope this is the last I hear of this it has driven me mad!
I am so angry about this, you cannot believe what troubble it has caused!
Anyway, if you would like my email just say yes on here and I will get it to you.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

I am so sorry about this, but could you all email me please?
Thats with the email you already have.
The reason is because Ive tried to sort out that problem about those emails and Ive got into a bit of a mess.
Please just say hi, thats all I need.
Have you still been receiving those?
Sorry to be a nuicence but if you could just do this for me I would appreciate it.